March has been a hectic month for the GX06 DYW Preservation Group team.
To start March off we finally got the ticket machine wired up and plugged into GX06 DYW, little did we know that this was going to be the start of problems. A slight mix-up with the wiring meant we had a fault pop up. We hoped this would be an easy fix however it turned out not to be at the time. Sadly all our efforts were exhausted by our team and we had no choice but to send her for an MOT with this fault.
We were lucky however speaking to the MOT tester that due to the age of GX06 DYW it wouldn’t matter about this fault. That’s where this week started off getting slightly better.
GX06 DYW sailed through her Class 5 MOT. This means we can carry passengers at bus rallies etc and covers us for what we need.
After her MOT we popped over to see the mechanics at John Dix Travel. They were happy to scan GX06 DYW and check for any faults. Sadly no faults were found through a scan. Annoying for us we had hoped we would have found an issue. Even if it was bad.
After this GX06 DYW went to spend a few nights at KB Coaches Gloucestershire. We arranged this as we were due to move storage locations. We do want to say a huge thank you to KB Coaches for storing us for the two nights.
While at KB we continued to fault find, checking fuses, and electrical components we were advised to check, etc without much luck. On the day we were due to collect GX06 DYW we decided to do more tests. To our annoyance, we actually did find a dead fuse. The reason for not finding this in the first place was because it’s a fuse that has a plastic case you can’t see in. Had it been a clear case we would have seen this before the MOT. Again a huge thanks to KB Coaches for helping us test fuses ad supplying us with a replacement fuse.
Once we replaced the fuse, of course, the fault went! So frustrating but we are glad she’s finally fixed.
The week ended for us with a move. GX06 DYW has spent her first six months with us based in Twigworth on the 71 bus route. Sadly the landowners wanted to increase our rent by over 50%! So we had to act fast to find somewhere else to go. It’s been a hard search trying to find somewhere however eventually we found somewhere suitable for us and within a good price range.
That’s led us to move GX06 DYW out of Gloucestershire and over to our neighbors of Worcestershire. She’s now based on a private farm in Upton Upon Severn. We’re really happy with our new storage as it’s firm concrete land (our other storage site was made up of stones, bricks, etc, and was very uneven) We also have access to water and the option to use electricity if needed. This will come in handy for snow foaming!
So that’s it. She’s now tucked away nice and safe having a little rest. We’ll be spending some time with her over the next few weeks getting some things sorted and prepared as we get ready for our first bus rally. Yes at the moment our first isn’t booked till July however this could of course change. So keep your eyes peeled!
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